10 Million Voluntary Vintage Carbon Credits®
from unprotected Pre-1990 New Zealand indigenous forest
Target: 50,000 hectares
Our Story
We are New Zealand-based resource management group that employs scientists, planners, engineers, foresters, carbon brokers, economic modellers, videographers and information technologists in our consulting businesses. Carbon Equities New Zealand Limited (CENZ) is a response to client demand for investment opportunities in proven carbon credit generation projects and operations. We source, examine, audit and structure genuine compliance (eg. ACCU, NZU) and voluntary carbon credit investments for our investor clients on a full disclosure basis. Each client can view our Portfolio of carbon credit investment opportunities and manage their CENZ account through this website.
Who We Are
Our Directors and key senior staff have over 30 years' experience in environmental, engineering and forestry consulting experience in Australasia, Asia, Europe and South America. Through our sister companies GreenXperts Limited and Green Tick Certification Limited we have access to a worldwide network of over 3,000 sustainability professionals in every discipline.
We have 17 years' experience with the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme. We have helped dozens of clients understand and benefit from the NZETS (NZU units). We have specialist-built applications which produce robust carbon analysis and business cases for carbon farming and other carbon negative enterprises.
Our Vision
Creating a Climate-Positive World - science has shown that "Carbon Neutral" or "Carbon Zero" political positions are not enough to save the world. In reality, these concepts have no basis in science, as greenhouse gases constantly circulate around the world in a flux between carbon "positive" and carbon "negative" states. Zero is not enough, we need to go Below Zero into Climate-Positive states. The world needs technology and projects that absorb greenhouse gases faster than human society produces them. This is what we do - we provide opportunities for small, medium, and largely resourced investors to finance truly carbon negative technologies and projects. #beautifulair™
Our Approach
We seek out climate-positive opportunities, and conduct a professional audit of ESG (environmental, social and governance) claims made using our GreenRating® system. Opportunities which pass our audit are included in our Portfolio. We produce an individual investor profile for each project, with investment type, structure, fees, projected return, sustainability and risk ratings detailed for investors' information. Together, we can help turn world financial systems into a tool for producing a Climate-Positive World.
What We Offer
CarbonEntry presents investors with three entry options into the carbon market - access to NZU (New Zealand Government carbon credits) on the NZ spot or futures market; access to properly Verified Voluntary Carbon Credits®; and with our greenwash filter GreenRatings™ access to genuinely "green" carbon investments in share markets, bond offerings and other "green" financial products.
Carbon Bonds
Carbon Bonds are an "advance-purchase-promise-to-deliver" financial instrument sold in advance of formal voluntary credit issue. The Buyer can secure credits for a fixed price in advance of their formal issue. The Issuer benefits by obtaining project funding to finance credit issue, delivering credit packages to Buyers according to the quantity of credits and year specified on the Carbon Bond.
CarbonFarm involves the purchase of existing carbon farms, or the creation of new carbon farms. We offer carbon due diligence services in both carbon accounting and ETS structures for the purchase of existing farms. We also provide business case, projected credit yields and values, and NZETS option selection for new farms. These services help buyers, sellers and investors be sure that a fair price is being paid for a carbon farm, and that the new carbon farm will be a sound sustainable investment.
CarbonGlobal services manage the sourcing, purchase, and trading of statutory and voluntary carbon credits on carbon trading markets. Proper auditing and risk management are the keys in these markets to ensure that credits are genuine. We help investors identify credit investments that are not 'hot air', but #beautifulair®.
Our Carbon Cooperative helps small to medium-size traders to buy and sell carbon credits in 100 to 5,000 unit lots.
We also help set up and manage inter-trader cooperatives where farmer-to-farmer and farmer-to-business alliances can trade credits amongst themselves to offset emissions on-farm and trade the surplus with others.
We are an independent professional organisation completely focused on finding and forming the best investment options for our clients. We base our recommendations on proven science and rigorous economic modelling. Our policy is to operate as if it were our portfolio of investments that were at stake. We are not just simply carbon consultants or forestry managers, we focus on the business case and our overall objective to work with our clients to create a carbon negative world.
Industry Experience
Our background of 30 years' experience in resource management consulting, and 15 years' experience with the NZETS means we have a deep understanding of the structure and functions of the carbon market. We have been following and studying sustainability trends for over three decades now, and we have invaluable experience in the twists and turns of local and international carbon markets. This experience has saved our clients literally years of frustration and thousands of dollars of unnecessary expense.
Audited Investment Pipeline
Our observations of some of the "carbon cons" going on in the markets have led us to adopt a strict auditors' mind-set when reviewing carbon credit generating projects. We work hard to get the science right, and to get the business deal right. We operate a pre-audited investment project pipeline using our greenwash filter GreenRatings™. This means the investment proposals we put to clients are fully transparent, with the highest standards of environmental and financial due diligence. Our Portfolio of Carbon Negative Investments is listed on-line. Contact Us today about starting your CENZ account and joining our pool of 21st Century Carbon Equities investors.
Our Address
Carbon Equities New Zealand Limited
Suite 14285, Level 1, 6 Johnsonville Road
Wellington 6037
PO Box 817, Whangarei 0140
New Zealand
Our Phone No.